
Mailer Daemon was an official Harold Team at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in New York City. Members have since moved on to other projects, but Mailer Daemon still keeps the flame alive.

Friday, July 07, 2006


Gmail's SPAM filter is letting an alarming number of bizzare emails slip through lately. Here is one I recieved this morning...

Dear partner,
I have decided to contact you once again through this means of communication since i did not hear from you to know if you received my last letter that I sent to you through courier service last month.

I am now resending a copy of the letter that I have earlier sent to you for your urgent attention. Please bear with me for sending this letter to you surprisingly. My name is Mr.Ibiahime Isaac,

A young man originally from Liberia in west Africa.My sole purpose of contacting you is for you to assist me in selling in your country or elsewhere of my rough (uncutted) diamonds which weighs 14,220 carats,from (3-45 carats),(3kg gross)on the scale,("H"VS-1quality), all rough and worths about(US$8Million). The diamonds was deposited by my late father in a holding firm and it is waiting for my order to be transfered as I am the "NEXT OF KIN" to the deposit as it is indicated in all the depositional documents.I am presently living in Dakar senegal.

We are giving you the offers as mentioned with every confidence on your acceptance to assist us,we have decided to give you 20% out of the total money generated from the sales of the diamonds.Secondly,we shall mapped out 5% for any miscelleneous expenses that may incurr during the transfering of the diamonds to your position Wish to hear from you soon.

Bye and God bless.
Mr.Ibiahime Isaac.

I don't quite understand this. What happened to the old SPAM emails that everyone was familiar with. The ones about penis pumps, and penis pills, and other penile enhancement products. They're supposed to be trying to sell me something, aren't they? Do they think they're going to trick me into becoming some South African Adventurer? Honestly, I am confused. Did I accidentally sign up for some massive online game? Is this part of ABC's "The LOST Experience?" Oh shit...wait...maybe it is.

At any rate - tighten up those SPAM filters!





Mailer Daemon is: Eric Appel, Dominic Dierkes, Jonathan Gabrus, Kevin Hines, Ellie Kemper, Matt Moses, Shannon O'Neill, and Ben Rodgers