Mailer Daemon was an official Harold Team at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in New York City. Members have since moved on to other projects, but Mailer Daemon still keeps the flame alive.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
No show on Tuesday
Unfortunately, Mailer Daemon does not have a show this Tuesday night. I believe it's our first Tuesday off in about twelve weeks. Now, I'm sure you're asking yourselves, "What in the name of fuck's sake is Mailer Daemon going to do with their time off?" Well, we're taking a little road trip to see the...
Gettysburg, PA

On July 2, 1863, artillery along the Confederate lines dispatched a 12-pound solid ball that hit Sickles, on horseback, and shattered his right leg. Sickles' leg was amputated by an army surgeon and later donated by the General to a new museum in DC where war injuries were under study.
Today, visitors to the historic battlefields of Gettysburg needn't truck 90 miles south to DC to salute the real leg. They can go to Greystone's Historical Emporium & Gallery, a gift shop on Gettysburg's main drag of attractions, and visit the "only authorized replica" of General Sickle's leg.
Now you're probably saying, "Wait...I didn't know that Mailer Daemon were civil war buffs! I'm a civil war buff too! We should all get an apartment together!!!"
Well I'm sorry, but we're going to pass on the apartment. While we are excited that you share this interest with us, we all like where we live -- except for Eric, who lives with his Dad...maybe he'll get a place with you.
ANYWAY, we're super excited about our trip. Just last night at rehearsal, Moses was brandishing his replica 1861 Springfield Musket -- all polished and looking just like it did when it was made, in 1997 -- and Kevin was looking through his old civil war pictures, from when he was there.
Gabrus told me that he's most excited about "General Pickett's All-U-Can Eat Buffet," which is located right down the road from Sickle's bone. He's going to fast for two days just so he can eat as many gravy biscuits as possible. I tried to tell him that fasting makes your stomach shrink, but he told me to shut up and spit chocolate milkshake in my eyes.
Ben is so excited that he started building an Underground Railroad that leads from his basement apartment to his favorite restaurant, Mars 2112. We told Ben that the Underground Railroad was built before the Civil War started and Mars 2112 wasn't built until THE FUTURE, but he informed us that he was on ecstacy and that he didn't care where the tunnel went because it felt great digging it.
Ellie and Shannon told me that they're going to dress like Abraham Lincoln and flash their tits to every car on the drive there. I'm sure you're saying to yourself, "They're BOTH dressing like Lincoln?" Boy, you ask a lot of questions. But the answer is, no...Shannon is wearing a Lincoln costume and Ellie is growing a beard.
After we get back to New York, I'm going to assassinate one (or both) of them in the audience of the UCB Theatre!
Sic semper tyrannis!
Gettysburg, PA

On July 2, 1863, artillery along the Confederate lines dispatched a 12-pound solid ball that hit Sickles, on horseback, and shattered his right leg. Sickles' leg was amputated by an army surgeon and later donated by the General to a new museum in DC where war injuries were under study.
Today, visitors to the historic battlefields of Gettysburg needn't truck 90 miles south to DC to salute the real leg. They can go to Greystone's Historical Emporium & Gallery, a gift shop on Gettysburg's main drag of attractions, and visit the "only authorized replica" of General Sickle's leg.
Now you're probably saying, "Wait...I didn't know that Mailer Daemon were civil war buffs! I'm a civil war buff too! We should all get an apartment together!!!"
Well I'm sorry, but we're going to pass on the apartment. While we are excited that you share this interest with us, we all like where we live -- except for Eric, who lives with his Dad...maybe he'll get a place with you.
ANYWAY, we're super excited about our trip. Just last night at rehearsal, Moses was brandishing his replica 1861 Springfield Musket -- all polished and looking just like it did when it was made, in 1997 -- and Kevin was looking through his old civil war pictures, from when he was there.
Gabrus told me that he's most excited about "General Pickett's All-U-Can Eat Buffet," which is located right down the road from Sickle's bone. He's going to fast for two days just so he can eat as many gravy biscuits as possible. I tried to tell him that fasting makes your stomach shrink, but he told me to shut up and spit chocolate milkshake in my eyes.
Ben is so excited that he started building an Underground Railroad that leads from his basement apartment to his favorite restaurant, Mars 2112. We told Ben that the Underground Railroad was built before the Civil War started and Mars 2112 wasn't built until THE FUTURE, but he informed us that he was on ecstacy and that he didn't care where the tunnel went because it felt great digging it.
Ellie and Shannon told me that they're going to dress like Abraham Lincoln and flash their tits to every car on the drive there. I'm sure you're saying to yourself, "They're BOTH dressing like Lincoln?" Boy, you ask a lot of questions. But the answer is, no...Shannon is wearing a Lincoln costume and Ellie is growing a beard.
After we get back to New York, I'm going to assassinate one (or both) of them in the audience of the UCB Theatre!
Sic semper tyrannis!