Mailer Daemon was an official Harold Team at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in New York City. Members have since moved on to other projects, but Mailer Daemon still keeps the flame alive.
Friday, May 12, 2006

My name is Eric Appel and I'm from New Jersey.
I am 49 years old, and I have been into magic since 1968 when I started attending IBM Ring 200 meetings. This was about the same time David Copperfield, then known as David Kotkin, started attending the same Ring meetings. Just two teens in a room full of veterans.
I worked as head assistant with Bill Baker and his "Magic World" Illusion show for about 6 years. During this time, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with some big names in our profession as well as some celebrities who have a passing interest. Dai Vernon, Tony Slydini, both Irv and Lou Tannen as well as Tony Spina, James Randi, Peter Pitt, Willie Marconick and Dom DeLouise to name a few.
Started doing my own shows as well starting in 1972.
In May of 1974, I joined the Middlesex County Sheriff's Department and continued with my shows until promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 1981. At that time my magic had to go on the "Back burner" due to the amount of extra work I carried. Started getting back to working my magic last year and I retired as a Lieutenant in December of '99 and am now working on my shows full time. The hardest part is trying to play catch up on all of the time I've lost.
I like Burton and Ammar as well as quite a few others, and There will always be something special for Copperfield as he came from my Ring.
I like just about all types of magic but do kids shows and stage work myself along with some escape work.
My plans are to build my show back up and maybe start building an illusion show of my own.